Customized Signature Massage

Bring deep relaxation, awaken the senses and relieve tired achy muscles as you enter into a harmonious place of well being. Customize this treatment by choosing one or more massage styles, Relaxation Swedish, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point Therapy, Pregnancy, Sports or Reflexology, Aromatherapy

CBD Hemp Massage

This organic 100% CBD Hemp Oil will melt the muscles, help reduce pain, inflammation, and increase relaxation. This revitalizing treatment will immediately ease any sore muscles, joints, cramps, swelling, fatigue and inflammation by increasing blood flow and circulation in your body. The CBD extract is quickly absorbed through the skin, providing hours of relief and comfort.

City of Roses Massage

Harvested from Portland's prized and glorious flower, this aromatic treatment nourishes the skin with the positive health benefits of pure rose absolute oil and leaves the body, mind and spirit in perfect harmony.

Royal Couples Massage

Together create a memorable spa experience as you and a loved one relax with side by side massages in your hotel suite. You can customize this treatment by adding restorative aromatherapy with medicinal organic essential oils. Please call to book this service.

Cacao Hazelnut Hot Stone Massage

The ultimate in luxury and pampering as warm organic cacao butter and hazelnut oils nourish the skin and hot healing Oregon coast sea stones soothe achy muscles. Cocao essential oil adds another aromatic element to this deeply relaxing and grounding experience. For those with sensitivities, hot stone massage is also available with no aromas and an unscented oil.

We strive to offer same day service; however, spa services are based on therapist availability. Standard hours & rates 9:00 am – 9:00 pm. There is a $30.00 surcharge each hour for services booked before or after 9am or 9pm. Please provide at least 8 business hours’ notice to cancel or change an appointment. Appointments starting before noon must be changed or cancelled by 9:00 pm the evening prior. Failure to provide 8 business hours' notice will result in charges in full being posted to your hotel room account. The finest local and natural organic products are used in our massage and spa treatments.

~ Massage Gift Certificates Available ~


60 minutes $175

75 minutes $220

90 minutes $255

120 minutes $350

Aromatherapy and CBD $30 extra

Hot Stones $30 extra