In as little as 15 minutes, Chair Massage is the most cost-effective way to reduce stress and promote overall well-being.

Having a massage therapist visit the workplace is a real plus for employers wanting to attract new people to their company and helps to retain their existing staff. Chair massage is very popular because it doesn't take much time and is done while fully clothed.

Chair massage is especially effective at producing therapeutic results in a brief period of time by concentrating the massage on the areas of greatest tension. The massage session usually lasts 10 - 20 minutes.

After receiving a massage, the employee can focus on their job, not their various aches.

Employee benefits include:

    • relieves stress, fatigue and anxiety

    • relieves muscle tension and headaches

    • rejuvenates them for the rest of the day

    • relieves symptoms of OOS -Occupational Overuse Syndrome

Employer benefits include:

    • increase staff productivity

    • decrease employees' medical costs

    • improve staff morale and boost loyalty

    • attractive staff benefit - helps you to retain key talent

    • helps staff maintain good work/life balance

How it works

You provide a space (a conference room or unused office area)

A contact person for the massage therapist (HR director or receptionist)

Massage therapist brings massage chair and supplies

Takes place on employee break time

No Investment in equipment or training

Please call 971-570-4200 to book your chair massage event.